Agenda Subject Time Status Annex Comments

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1 Board Meeting - Draft Agenda Wednesday, January, 30 th From to : Dinner Agenda 1, Annex 01 Agenda Subject Time Status Annex Comments 1. Welcome and approval of the agenda Approval of Minutes from the Board Meeting on 12 th December Tax Campaign Strategic discussion/ 4 Sub strategy C: Empowerment 5 AADK involvement in SDG and Post 2015 Goals 6 AADK Sub strategy on the Association Public Support and Membership democracy 7 TOR: Campaign Advisory Committee Marketing and Business Planning Advisory Committee Training Advisory Committee 8 Orientation on Work Place Evaluation Strategic discussion/ Strategic discussion/ Orientation 08 9 Information from the Secretariat Orientation Any other business Dinner Trine Pertou Mach/Frans Mikael Jansen Please report absence (also if you don t plan to participate in the dinner) to Birgit Møller Jensen E- mail : tlf.:

2 Annex 03 Tax Campaign Strategic Discussion and Bestyrelsen skal på sit møde den 22 marts vedtage et papir om det politiske grundlag og kampagnestrategi for en MS skattekampagne. På dette møde skal Bestyrelsen diskutere og godkende præmisserne for udarbejdelse af dette papir. Sekretariatets udspil til præmisser for skattekampagne i MS: En skattekampagne i MS skal tage udgangspunkt i eksisterende AA papirer på skatteområdet (bilag og 03.02) Vores skattekampagne skal koble til good governance og bekæmpelse af ulighed og fattigdom. Vi ønsker at vores skattekampagne skal have et stærkt sydophæng og være veldokumenteret med cases fra syd og eksemplarisk i kampagnesamarbejde med netværk i syd. Vores skattekampagne skal have klare politiske målsætninger så vi konkret kan dokumentere opnåede resultater. Vores skattekampagne skal levere added value i forhold til det andre som andre organisationer i DK laver om skat. Vores skattekampagne skal afspejle vores forandringsteori med fokus på mobilisering og oplysning og skal i høj grad engagere og basere sig på unge menneskers engagement og stillingtagen. Enclosure: Tax justice position summary December ActionAid position on tax justice

3 Subject Sub Strategy C: Empowerment (enclosure 04.01) Annex 04 Strategic Discussion The Board has decided to look upon the implementation of one Sub-strategy at each meeting and this time it is Sub Strategy C on Empowerment. During the last Board meeting it was decided that Arvid and Tea should provide the Secretariat with some guidelines for the presentation (enclosure 04.02) The Secretariat have prepared a paper presenting the status and challenges in the implementation of the sub-strategy on Empowerment (enclosure 04.03) and finally Peter Christiansen (Director of the Capacity Development Centre) has prepared a paper on Social Movements and Capacity Building (enclosure 04.04) Enclosure: Sub Strategy C: Empowerment Guidelines for the presentation Status and Challenges in the implementation of the sub-strategy on Empowerment Social Movements and Capacity Building

4 Annex 05 AADK involvement in SDG and Post 2015 Goals Discussion and decision The Secretariat has prepared a paper presenting a proposal for a mandate for AADK engagement on the Post MDG/SDG agenda (enclosed) Helle Munk Ravnborg has taken the initiative to establish a working group supporting AADK s involvement in SDG and post 2015 Goals (invitation to the first meeting enclosed) AADK has participated in the development of a joint position paper from Danish NGOs on the Post 2015 Goals and the draft position paper is enclosed for the information of the Board. Enclosure: The Board shall discuss and finally approve the AADK mandate for AADK engagement on the post MDG/SDG agenda The Post MDG/SDG agenda a mandate for AADK engagement Invitation to working group Joint position paper from Danish NGOs on the Post 2015 Goals - draft

5 Annex 06 AADK Sub strategy on the Association Public Support and Membership democracy The Board decided during the meeting in December that the Secretariat should revise the sub strategy based on the discussion during the board meeting. The revised sub strategy is enclosed (06.01) where the changes are marked for easy reference. The revised version of the strategy was discussed in a meeting in the Contact Group on 21 st January and the comments from the Contact Group is enclosed (06.02) Enclosure: The Board has to go through the revised strategy and comments and proposals from the Contact Group and agree to whether they should be included before the sub strategy is finally approved by the Board Strategi for Mellemfolkeligt Samvirkes folkelige forankring og medlemsdemokrati Strategi for Mellemfolkeligt Samvirkes folkelige forankring og medlemsdemokrati kommentarer fra Kontaktgruppen

6 Annex 07 Advisory Committees The Board decided during the meeting in December that the Secretariat should prepare TORs for the following Advisory Committees: Campaign Advisory Committee Marketing and Business Planning Advisory Committee Training Advisory Committee The Board shall discuss and approve the TORS for the three committees. Enclosure: Draft TOR for a Campaign Advisory Committee Draft TOR for a Marketing and Business Planning Advisory Committee Draft TOR for a Training Advisory Committee

7 Subject 08 Work Place Evaluation 2012 Annex Information All staff members participated in a work place evaluation (APV) late The results of the evaluation and planned follow-up activities are described in the enclosure (APV 2012 med opfølgning). The results and planned follow-up activities are for information of the Board. The Board will receive a more comprehensive report on staff issues 2012 in May together with the annual accounts for 2012 Enclosure: APV 2012 med opfølgning

8 Annex 09 Information from the Secretariat Information The Secretary General will in his presentation touch upon the following topics: The Evaluation of Strategy for Danish Support to Civil Society in developing Countries Financial support to Danish civil society in the future MENA : application to Danida and AADK feedback to Arab Peoples Action to End Injustice and Poverty between 1 st and 15 th February, 2013 Final accounts for MS Sudan Feedback from Danida on AADK reporting on frame grant Letter to Board members after SLT Retreat in December 2012 (enclosure) MoU with AAI on Budget relieving support 2013 (enclosure) 2013 operational plan Board update (enclosure) (This report gives the Board an overview of the many activities going on in the entire Federation) Enclosure: Letter to Board members after SLT Retreat in December MoU with AAI on Budget relieving support operational plan Board update

Please report absence, also if you don t plan to participate in dinner to Birgit Møller Jensen Telephone: /

Please report absence, also if you don t plan to participate in dinner to Birgit Møller Jensen   Telephone: / Annex 01.01 Board Meeting - Draft Agenda Wednesday, 24 th April 2013 at 15.00-20.00 in the Meetery, AADK, Fælledvej 12, 2200 Copenhagen N Agenda Status Time (proposed) Annex Comments 1. Welcome and approval

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Agenda Subject Time Status Annex Comments. 3 Budget 2013 15.15 16.00 03 Will be forwarded Friday 7 th. 16.00 18.00 Strategic discussion/ Decision

Agenda Subject Time Status Annex Comments. 3 Budget 2013 15.15 16.00 03 Will be forwarded Friday 7 th. 16.00 18.00 Strategic discussion/ Decision Board Meeting - Draft Agenda Wednesday, December 12 th From 15.00 to 20.00 20.00: Dinner together with participants in LRP workshop Agenda 1, Annex 1 Agenda Subject Time Status Annex Comments 1. Welcome

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