Tender Package 10 pre-description

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1 Tender Package 10 pre-description August 2012

2 Banedanmark Amerika Plads København Ø

3 Content Page TENDER PACKAGE TP 10 VESTVOLDEN 4 General description of TP 10 4 List of 5 List of roads / paths 6 Earthwork 6 Procurement form 7 Map of TP 10 7

4 Tender package TP 10 Vestvolden General description of TP 10 TP 10, Vestvolden starts south of Avedøre Havnevej at approx. st and ends at approx. St south of Brøndbyvester Boulevard, just before Sdr. Ringvej. The contract is planned as a design and build contract with negotiated procedures where the contractor has the full responsibility of the entire alignment, road crossing etc, with the contract boundaries. This contract includes all construction works as well as earthworks up to sub ballast, on the 3 km long alignment. The interface to the Urban Civil Works Contract (UCW) is not exactly determined as the options for common construction site /restocking areas have not been entirely evaluated. There are four large on the alignment: construction of road bridge(brøndbyøstervej) passing over the New and Holbæk Motorway at st / to st , followed by a railway tunnel under Holbaek Motorway in st , passage of Vestvolden and Faestningskanalen at to and flyover of M3 at 5+807, flyover of exit M21 in and several other crossings. Cutting through and relocation of existing baffle s on both sides of the Holbæk Motorway. TP 10 Vestvolden 4

5 List of ID No Structure Stationing Type. N-BRO- 01 Brøndbyøstervej OP Bridge Road N-TU- 02 Faunapassage Pipe Road Amphibian path N-BRO- 01b Brøndbyøstervej over motorway, OP Bridge Road Road N-TR- 01 Watertight Watertight N-RE- 01 Retaining before crossing of Holbækmotorvejen N-BRO- 02 OP of Holbækmotorvejen N-TR- 02 Watertight N-RE- 02 Retaining after crossing of Holbækmotorvejen N-BRA- 01 OP of Voldstien ØST (path) N-RE- 03 Retaining before crossing of Fæstningskanalen N-F- 01 UP of Fæstningskanalen N-RE- 04 Retaining after crossing of Fæstningskanalen N-P- 01 OP of Voldstien VEST between fæstningskanalen and M Retaining Bridge Road Watertight Retaining Bridge Path Retaining Bridge Stream Retaining Bridge Path N-BRO- 03 OP of M Bridge Road N-BRO- 04 OP of M3 ramp 1 M12Ø_M3S Bridge Road N-BRA- 02 UP of Brøndbyvester Bridge road Boulevard N-F- 02 Fauna passage Pipe amphibian path N-F- 03 Fauna passage Pipe amphibian path TP 10 Vestvolden 5

6 List of roads / paths Roads/paths Stationing Avedøre slettevej ved Brøndbyøstervej Lokal adgangsvej Ny tilslutningsvej Ny tilslutningsvej til pumpeanlæg Brøndbyøstervej Avedøre slettevej ved Hæstgård Voldstien øst (Stavnsbjergstien) Voldstien vest M 3 rampe 1 M12Ø M3N M 3 rampe 1 M12Ø M3S Travlestien incl servicevej Sydgårdsvej Brøndbyvester Boulevard Travelstien ved Brøndbyvester Boulevard Forbindelse til Brøndbyvester Boulevard / Midlegårdsvej Adgangsvej til nye kolonihaver Adgang 1 og Vej indenfor kolonihaveområdet Earthwork All earth works, drainage etc. necessary for layout of embankments and excavations along the alignment up to and included first layer of ballast according to BN1-6, are included in this package. Crossing pipes for railway utilities are included in this package. The overall soil balance for this tender package has been designed by Banedanmark. The Contractor shall make a detailed design for the soil handling within the contract limit. TP 10 Vestvolden 6

7 Procurement form In order to get a total overview over the earthworks and the earth balance on the entire alignment of the New Line Copenhagen-Ringsted this will be designed in detail by Banedanmark, but within the stationing limit for this contract, contractor can feel free to move around the earth. The contract is tendered as negotiated procedures as a design and build contract. Map of TP 10 1: Map of TP 10 area Forfatteren har det fulde ansvar for denne publikation. Den Europæiske Union fralægger sig ethvert ansvar for brugen af oplysningerne i publikationen. TP 10 Vestvolden 7

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